Saturday, September 14, 2013

Needs Supplied!

"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).

In this letter to the Church at Philippi, Paul addresses the people, thanking the them for contributing to his well-being.  He lets them know how grateful he is and that their attention to his needs would not go unrewarded by God. In verse 13, he tells them that he has learned to be content in whatever situation he has found himself in--whether full or hungry, having everything he needs or not.  This verse is a great lesson for all of us to learn to be content with what we have and not be "greedy or envious" of others. 

But Paul didn't stop there. There may have been some concern on the part of those who gave who didn't really have the resources to give and now wondered how they would survive. He assures them that every one of their needs would be met by God--no matter how little or how big.  Notice that in this verse--he proclaims all need supplied, not necessarily all wants. There is a distinct difference in having our needs met versus having everything we want.  God never promises that we'll have everything we want because some of the things we want will keep our focus on the things and not Him.  Even when it comes to people--not everyone was meant to be in our lives.  This may be why that person you thought was for you, wasn't. God knows what is best for us and He brings people into our lives that will encourage us to keep our focus on Him, not on things or people.

If you have a need today, know that God is able to supply everything you need because there is no lack in Him. However, remember that God works through people (just as Paul revealed) and sometimes we miss getting needs met because we did not appreciate who God was using to meet the need. Be careful how you treat people; they may be the answer to your prayer.

Father, thank You for supplying our every need. Help us to appreciate the vehicle used in bringing it all to pass no matter who it is or what it is.  Thank You for giving us power to get wealth through the many gifts You have given us. Now help us to use them to Your glory. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen!

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