Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blessed, not Cursed!

"He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28 NIV)

hile Jesus was teaching, a woman in the crowd (vs. 27) cried out and said to Jesus, "Blessed is the woman who gave you birth and nursed you." She recognized that Jesus had been not just nursed, but nurtured in the way of righteousness from the time He was born. And His response to her was--in essence--the person who hears The Word and obeys it is more blessed than He was.

Something to think about. He knew who He was. The woman thought she knew who He was, and yet, He deferred--to all who hear The Word and obey as being the greater one blessed. If all who hear and obey are blessed, then all who don't hear and won't obey are not blessed. Simple logic for those who understand syllogisms.

Right before He said this, He was discussing the state of a person who had been harboring a demonic spirit and what they did. We have to be careful about what we claim because demonic spirits are looking a place to reside. If we think we have changed for the better and yet do those things that are not of God, our fate is worse than it was before we made any proclamations.

The bottom line for me is this--when we did not claim to know God or understand His purpose in coming to earth, we were better off than if we claim to know Him and understand His purpose and yet live in opposition to His Word. If we live in opposition to His Word after claiming to know Him, we very simply, lie to ourselves.

And like everything else--we can go to The Word for understanding and Truth--if we hear The Word and obey--we're blessed and if we don't, we aren't.

Today, we need more than ever for people to hear The Word and obey it because if they don't, what we think has been calamity will seem like a walk in the park on a warm, sunny day, when God removes His hand from the nation. I don't know about you, but I'm going to obey His Word and promote His truth, no matter what a Supreme Court says about anything that opposes God's Word. I'd rather be found on the side of right than the side of might--when it opposes God.

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