Monday, April 27, 2015

Getting Back to The Foundation of His Truth!

"But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband."(I Corinthians 7:2 NIV)

No matter how hard we try--at least some of us--we cannot get away from the fact that the bible addresses every aspect of our living right before God. Through Paul, God's purpose for us is emphasized in a number of chapters--how husbands and wives should treat each other, how to raise children, how to conduct ourselves in worship services, and how to establish order in the church. Whatever question we could possibly have, the answer--is in there.

The problem for many in accepting what is in there is the fact that whenever a person or persons choose to dispute the information or instruction in the bible, they do so selectively, without understanding, totally missing what is being said because they choose to take things out of context. This verse of scripture is one of those people "prefer to ignore" because Paul said and not Jesus (it's not written in red).

It's amazing how people can "discount" the value of what is being said based upon who said it. They do so because they did not read further--"all scripture is written by inspiration of God" no matter who He uses to say it.

Moving along--when the early churches had questions regarding behaviors that were once considered "okay" based upon the environment in which one found themselves, Paul addressed them. There had been "temple prostitutes" and many other unsavory behaviors operating because of unbelief. Adultery and fornication were the status quo and because some dared to seek truth, Paul spoke it as it pertains to sexual activity. Here it is very clear--sexual activity should be reserved for those who are married and then the married should have only sex with their "own husbands" and "their own wives."

When we choose to ignore righteous instruction because of fleshly dictates, we set ourselves for disaster and until we can right the wrong, nothing will change the devastating course of events that will be the result of sin. If we claim to accept one part of the bible as God's truth, then we must claim it all--with understanding and keeping all of it in context of God's purposes for mankind.

This is not the only passage of scripture that is often refuted in the church world. Many in the church have disputed women's roles within the church because they overlooked what Joel said. Many have claimed that people of color are the result of the curse on Ham, lacking understanding that the first man, Adam--was a man of color--a fact simply deduced by looking at where God formed him and how. People use the bible to promote hatred and superiority because of a lack of understanding. God has no respect of persons and He sees us all as equals--no male or female, Jew or Gentile, all one in Christ Jesus.

But we don't see us as God sees us and as a result, we tend to overlook passages that go against our flesh. This is why there is confusion, hate, and unrest in the land--we allow our flesh to dictate what we want and when others don't agree, we rise up and promote hatred--either with the bible or refuting it. Either way--God is not pleased and when He is not pleased, none of us has peace.

The sooner we see things the way God sees them (and we can if we truly develop a relationship with Him), the sooner we'll see peace in the land. We have no excuse--His written instructions--given to and by all who desired to please Him--provide us the foundation of His Truth. It's time we got back to that foundation, rather than attempting to build one that is bound to crumble and fall.

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