Friday, April 24, 2015

His Delight To The Faithful!

"For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds." (Psalm 149:4,5 NIV)

When does the Lord delight in His people? In the beginning, the children of Israel were His chosen, but since all Believers have been adopted into the family, we are all His children. Now the "delight" referenced in scripture is really about our efforts to please God and when we please Him, He gives us the desires of our heart.

How do we please God? We please Him when we honor Him with our obedience in all things. When we love anyone, most of us want to please the object of our affection. If we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and love each other, we please Him. If we truly love self and others, we will not cause harm to them or see them harmed.

When we truly love, we can forgive and let go of those things that happened in our pasts and keep moving forward in the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.

When we truly love, we can see the good in people and caution them against opposing God with loving kindness.

When we truly love, we seek the best in everyone's life around us and certainly promoting the Gospel will lead them to receiving God's best.

When we truly love, what we do is not so much about us as it is about others as we stay in position to hear God and obey what He would have us to do for them.

When we truly love God, we acknowledge our imperfections and flaws openly and allow Him to transform us, no longer concerned with conforming to the world's way of living, but living life according to God's plan.

This is what happens when we love God and He is pleased with what we do (His faithful people)--He crowns the humble (not the boastful and arrogant) with victory in everything they do. He makes us glad and when we're glad, we praise Him and honor Him from sunrise to sunset--no matter what happens in between.

Let's take some time today to remember that our living is not about us, but when it is about Him, He makes sure the world knows we function in His favor!

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