Monday, April 20, 2015

To Know Him Is To Know Them!

"Then they asked him, “Where is your father?” “You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” (John 8:19 NIV)

Knowing how to answer everyone who has a question about The Word with The Word is how we convince and what we say, will sometimes convict.

In this passage of Scripture, Jesus is teaching in the temple courts and He is being questioned by the Pharisees--those religious folks who claim to know God, but only so they can feel superior to others. When Jesus told them that He and His Father were witnesses of who He was, they challenged Him based on the Law--human standards which is all religious people have. The question--where is your father was about His human father (not understanding who He was) and when Jesus responded, the way He did, I can only imagine how their jaws may have dropped. They didn't get it.

But then again, there are those in the 21st Century who still don't get it. We cannot have a rational conversation--based upon spiritual truths--about Jesus or God, without referencing the other. They are One in purpose--without God--there is no Jesus and without Jesus--there is no access to God. Why people don't understand this is because they fail to understand the first fourteen verses in the first chapter of John and the first chapter of Genesis. God is a spirit and He came down to earth in the likeness of man, wrapped in flesh, born of a woman, who named Him--Jesus--out of obedience.

If anyone knows what God said and meant--it would be Jesus--who did not come to change the course of mankind by changing the law (which man could not keep), but to make sure mankind would have access to all God has planned--the abundant life--a result of obedience to His Word and fulfilled by the work on The Cross.

No matter how hard we try, we cannot escape The Cross and what it means. Nothing we mere humans say can change what God intended and when we attempt to manipulate His Word and His Love, we deceive ourselves if we think for a moment that He is not aware of how we've been deceived. No cross, no salvation; no salvation no hope for eternal life, no Jesus, no peace.

When we understand the spiritual, the natural will fall into place and we will have peace in the land. It's all about being in a right relationship with Them--and living according to Their purposes and not our own. Trying to understand God with our natural, limited minds only leads to confusion. We need to communicate with Him on a spiritual realm, so our natural mind can accept who He is and how He wants us to live.

As so many people have said, "going to church doesn't make a person a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes them a car." To be a Christian means to follow, represent and emulate Christ. When we emulate Christ, we acknowledge The Father and try to please Him. If we please one, we please both. To Know Him, is to know Them!

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