Thursday, April 30, 2015

True Witnesses Have Relationship With God!

“You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me." (Isaiah 43:10 NIV)

There is no one group--who have professed to be the only witnesses--whom God loves more than any other who believe Him because of those things that others have revealed through His Word and His love. When God spoke through the prophets in "that day" they knew exactly what He meant. God showed up and showed out--confusing every group of people who worshipped gods they made with their own hands. What He wanted them to understand is that He, the God of creation, was before any of the gods people erected from the materials that God created.

I've addressed this before, but I fail to understand how anyone could give "power" to inanimate objects created by hands of men and think that object is more powerful than the One who created the materials by which it was created.

Our God--in all of His awesomeness-has no beginning or end. Before time was--He was and after time ends, He will be and for now--He isl Unfortunately for some--they have not figured it out yet.
There are those who think that mere men--who have changed the intent of God's Word to suit their own beliefs--have the only connection with God. This is why when they observe Communion (a sacrament observed by many churches), they only serve the elders with others looking on them. How ridiculous is that? Did they not read and understand that Communion is an event in which all partake? And with all of the flawed logic and theology presented by them which constantly changes, they proclaim they are His true witnesses.

So, who is a true witness? Anyone who in relationship with God, understanding the intent of His Word and does not attempt to use The Word to manipulate people, is a true witness of God. We who know and understand that God is not a respecter of people--we are all the same--we know how He does things and we also know and understand His thoughts are far above our thoughts. We understood the need for Him to come down to earth in the likeness of flesh to reconcile mankind back to Himself and was called Jesus, who upon returning to Heaven, provided us with power through His Spirit--Holy Spirit who dwells upon the inside of all true Believers and Witnesses of the One True God.

If Holy Spirit does not dwell within, how can one say they are "true witnesses" of the Living God who will not tolerate any mocking Him by manipulating others. This particular group states (I say this from personal experience from conversations with their "elders") that their corporate group in New York is led by Holy Spirit, but Holy Spirit is not available to anyone else so they must do what they are mandated to do within their publications.

The devil is a liar! Holy Spirit is available to all who desire Him in their lives and does not discriminate, nor encourage alienation of family members or any other who choose not to believe their foolishness. And now they promote themselves as believers of Jesus when not too long ago, they denied He was the Son of God.

Know God for yourself--Know God's Word for yourself--and know when the devil rises us to deceive and manipulate those who are gullible enough to promote false doctrine. If you know Him because of relationship with Him, you are a true witness of He who created all things and without Him--nothing was created.

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