Monday, January 25, 2016

Don't Get Discouraged!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23,24 NIV
If we pay too much attention to those around us who are always complaining, always negative, and always finding fault with others--if we allow their noise to infect our spirits, we become discouraged. We have to shut out the noise of bitterness and complaining and fault-finding and encourage ourselves in The Lord!

When we understand that people have neither heaven or hell for us--we don't have to pay attention to them or we certainly should not consider their opinion of us--we can work--diligently--knowing what we do, The Lord sees and He will reward.

I have discovered in life that no matter what we do--we will never please all people all the time. So, I've learned to not consider what people may think (unless I value their opinion) and do what is right in the sight of The Lord. There is a peace that settles in my spirit when I know He is pleased with what I do, no matter what others think.

Pleasing people--who are fickle-minded and subject to change as quickly as Michigan weather--is a waste of time. I'm not saying we should not do what we're supposed to do--especially in situations of a job or in a role of responsibility. I'm saying, as long as what we do--we can be assured that we have done our best to get it right and do what's right--we shouldn't worry about people. I have been in situations where those in authority expected me to cheat and lie and I refused. I have been in situations where people thought making fun of cultural differences was acceptable and when I refused to join in the stupidity, I was ostracized. None of them mattered because I knew right from wrong and would not veer from doing right.

On this journey in life, we have to know who we are and who we serve. We have to be secure in the knowledge that no matter no people do, we will not shame God by being disobedient to Him. When we know who we are--nothing moves us from God's Truth. When we know our role in life is to please Him, what others think won't matter. And if there comes a time when we start to doubt ourselves--we look to The Word to encourage ourselves--to keep doing things God's Way.

We see people like Kim Davis and Tim Tebow who refuse to bow to popular opinion and we watch their persecution when they remain steadfast in their beliefs. Many of us are being persecuted on a smaller scale because we will not succumb to being like those around us when they prove they do not honor God with their living. I don't know about other people, but I keep talking to God--seeking His wisdom and direction in all things. I freely admit, I don't always know how to handle various situations, but I know He does. And even when I hear Him say things that my flesh does not want to hear, I clench my teeth and obey.

Remember this--no matter what people do--Our God reigns and nothing by any means shall deter us from living our lives to please Him!

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