Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Who's Crying Now?

Then they will cry to the LORD,
But He will not hear them;
He will even hide His face from them at that time,
Because they have been evil in their deeds. Micah 3:4 NKJV
There will come a time when those who perpetuate evil, leading others astray intentionally, manipulating people and circumventing true authority will cry unto The Lord, when they refuse to obey Him.

It would appear that people--across the board--choose to ignore God and enjoy the fruits of their wickedness until the time comes when, God exposes the wickedness for what it is and the tables are turned on them. Then, with truth exposed, they call upon The Lord expecting Him to hear and answer, but as the Prophet Micah reveals--He won't hear them.

What I've observed in human nature is that those who say they don't know if there's a god or not; don't know whether they believe in Jesus or not, and then live any way they want to live, back-peddle quickly, when things don't go their way. And the situation is even worse when those who say they believe God, but don't want to obey Him. When they have caused others to cry--with their schemes and lies--they are quick to call on Jesus when life causes them to cry.

I wonder--do people really think that God does not see, cannot hear all that goes on in the earth? Do people think God is winking an eye at sin and that truth will never reign? We have in our society those who have no problem causing strife and dissension in the midst of things, but when the tables turn--oh my! "What did I do? O God, help me!"

Those who fuel drama and discord, lead people astray with lies and perpetuate nonsense leading to the deaths of others, will one day pay and we who have been watching them terrorize nation after nation, will see them exposed for who they really are--just as it came to pass when Micah was prophesying to God's people. It's amazing to me that those who don't recognize truth when they see or hear it, are quick to twist their version of truth into lies and they cry--hoping others will never know who they really are.

We need not despair over the fate of those who create one dilemma after another for others. Weeping may endure for us--for a moment, but joy is coming!

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