Thursday, January 28, 2016


Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3 NIV
Singing praises to our God is a wonderful way to not dwell on our surroundings, especially when those surroundings can cause us grief. The beauty of singing a new song, one no one has ever heard before is that no one can criticize the words, the rhythm, or our voices--since we usually sing them to ourselves.

Over the years, whenever I prepared to minister to God's people, He always gave me a song to conclude the message. Reception to these songs was usually pretty good and at one time, the church I attended had an awesome musician who could play anything just by listening to a few bars. And when a musician couldn't pick up the song, I sang it acappella.

Now, when things get too embroiled for me to address without causing more turmoil, I sing a song. Sometimes, it's a new one--whatever is poured into my spirit--and sometimes, it's a song that really ministers to me. Recently, I sang to myself--Encourage Yourself In The Lord--and I had to keep singing it in order not to respond to foolishness.

Lately, I find myself singing quite a bit. Most of the songs are based upon The Word, so I can get a chance to meditate on The Word as well as to calm me. Like David playing to keep Saul calm, singing has supernatural power to keep us calm before we create a storm.

Most mothers sing to their infants to calm them. Choirs sing to magnify The Lord. There are songs that make people want to dance and some that make people cry, but singing is a good way to wipe out negativity and the desire to avenge oneself when one feels they have been wronged.

O Lord, You who know everything,
Soothe my heart and let my voice ring,
With a melody that praises You,
And encourages my spirit, too,
Praising You for all You have done
And will do, creating all under the sun,
Providing us with its marvelous light,
Negating the wrongs, to always do right,
As unto You, not to cause others flight,
Away from You. O Lord, I sing
And hear angels' voices ring,
Carrying the melody meant to calm
In the midst of every storm--until joy,
Releases its healing balm.
There is indeed a balm in singing unto You!

Whenever we feel like we're about to lose it--our tempers or get emotionally distraught, we can solve it all, by singing!

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